BOSS 7.1.2
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2#include "TFile.h"
3#include "TTree.h"
5static const int NLastBackup = 10;
6static const long OneSecVar = 2000000;
7static const long ShiftThreshold = OneSecVar*0.5;
9//static int _debug = 1;
10//static TFile* _file = NULL;
11//static TTree* _tree = NULL;
12//static int _count = 0;
13//static int _event;
14//static int _time;
15//static int _pileup;
16//static long _t1;
17//static long _rawt1;
18//static long _tdiff = 0;
19//static float _slope;
21EtsFixing::EtsFixing(int preRefCount, double factor)
22 : m_nPre(preRefCount),
23 m_factor(factor),
24 m_t0Sec(0),
25 m_t0SecLocal(0),
26 m_count(0),
27 m_refSlope(0.0),
28 m_critical(OneSecVar+999),
29 m_pileup(0)
31 m_preEvt = new int[m_nPre];
32 m_preSec = new int[m_nPre];
33 m_preT1 = new long[m_nPre];
35 m_preT1Sec = new int[m_nPre];
36 m_preT1Old = new long[m_nPre];
37 m_prePileup = new long[m_nPre];
39 for ( int i = 0; i < m_nPre; ++i ) {
40 m_preEvt[i] = -999;
41 m_preSec[i] = -999;
42 m_preT1[i] = -999;
44 m_preT1Sec[i] = -999;
45 m_preT1Old[i] = -999;
46 m_prePileup[i] = -999;
47 }
49 m_lastEvt = new int[NLastBackup];
50 m_lastT1 = new long[NLastBackup];
52 for ( int i = 0; i < NLastBackup; ++i ) {
53 m_lastEvt[i] = -999;
54 m_lastT1[i] = -999;
55 }
57 //if (_debug) {
58 // _file = new TFile("fff.root", "RECREATE");
59 // _tree = new TTree("ff", "for test");
60 // _tree->Branch("count", &_count);
61 // _tree->Branch("event", &_event);
62 // _tree->Branch("time", &_time);
63 // _tree->Branch("pileup",&_pileup);
64 // _tree->Branch("t1", &_t1, "t1/L");
65 // _tree->Branch("rawt1", &_rawt1, "rawt1/L");
66 // _tree->Branch("tdiff", &_tdiff, "tdiff/L");
67 // _tree->Branch("slope", &_slope, "slope/F");
68 //}
73 delete [] m_preEvt;
74 delete [] m_preSec;
75 delete [] m_preT1;
77 delete [] m_lastEvt;
78 delete [] m_lastT1;
80 delete [] m_preT1Sec;
81 delete [] m_preT1Old;
82 delete [] m_prePileup;
84 //if (_debug) {
85 // _file->Write();
86 // _file->Close();
87 // delete _file;
88 //}
93 long t1Old = header->etsT1();
95 if ( t1Old == 0 ) {
96 return;
97 }
99 int evtNo = header->eventNumber();
100 int tnSec = header->time() - m_t0Sec;
101 long t1NanoSec = t1Old % OneSecVar;
102 long t1New = t1NanoSec; //tnSec*OneSecVar + t1NanoSec;
104 header->setRawEtsT1(t1Old);
106 if ( m_count != 0 ) {
108 int curIdx = tnSec % m_nPre;
110 int preIdx = curIdx;
111 int secShift = 0;
112 if ( tnSec != m_preSec[preIdx] ) {
113 preIdx = (preIdx+m_nPre-1) % m_nPre;
114 secShift = 1;
115 while ( m_preEvt[preIdx] == -999 || m_preSec[preIdx] < m_preSec[(preIdx+1)%m_nPre] ) {
116 preIdx = (preIdx+m_nPre-1) % m_nPre;
117 ++secShift;
118 }
119 if ( (m_preSec[preIdx]+secShift) <= (tnSec-m_nPre) ) {
120 secShift += m_nPre * ((tnSec-secShift-m_preSec[preIdx]) / m_nPre);
121 }
122 //if (_debug > 2) std::cout << tnSec << ", " << m_preSec[preIdx] << ", " << secShift << std::endl;
123 }
124 t1New += (m_preT1[preIdx]/OneSecVar + secShift) * OneSecVar;
125 //if (_debug > 1) std::cout << __LINE__ << ": " << t1New << std::endl;
127 /// fix with ideal slope
128 int eDiff = evtNo - m_preEvt[preIdx];
129 long tDiff = t1New - m_preT1[preIdx];
130 long t1Expect = m_preT1[preIdx] + m_refSlope * eDiff;
131 long t1Shift = t1New - t1Expect;
132 if ( t1Shift > ShiftThreshold ) {
133 t1New -= OneSecVar;
134 tDiff -= OneSecVar;
135 }
136 else if ( t1Shift < -ShiftThreshold ) {
137 t1New += OneSecVar;
138 tDiff += OneSecVar;
139 }
140 //if (_debug) _tdiff = t1New - t1Expect;
141 //if (_debug > 1) std::cout << __LINE__ << ": " << t1New << std::endl;
143 /// adjust with event build time
144 if (tnSec - m_t0SecLocal > 3) {
145 long tXX = long(tnSec)*OneSecVar - t1New - long(tnSec-t1Old/OneSecVar)*OneSecVar*(m_factor-1);
146 //if (_debug > 2) std::cout << "xxx: " << tnSec << ", " << m_critical << ", " << tXX << std::endl;
147 //expected range: (-m_critical, OneSecVar-m_critical], with a toleration of 0.04s
148 while ( tXX < -m_critical-OneSecVar*0.04 ) {
149 t1New -= OneSecVar;
150 tDiff -= OneSecVar;
151 tXX += OneSecVar;
152 }
153 while ( tXX > OneSecVar*1.04-m_critical ) {
154 t1New += OneSecVar;
155 tDiff += OneSecVar;
156 tXX -= OneSecVar;
157 }
158 }
159 else {
160 if ( secShift == 1 ) {
161 m_critical = t1New-long(tnSec-1)*OneSecVar;
162 //if (_debug > 2) std::cout << "zzz: " << tnSec << ", " << t1New << ", " << t1Old << std::endl;
163 }
164 }
165 //if (_debug > 1) std::cout << __LINE__ << ": " << t1New << std::endl;
167 /// fix with neighboring event
168 bool noNeighbor = true;
169 int nearestIdx = NLastBackup-1;
170 int nearestDE = 10000000;
171 for (int i = nearestIdx; i >= 0; --i) {
172 int lidx = (m_count+i)%NLastBackup;
173 int lediff = evtNo-m_lastEvt[lidx];
174 if (abs(lediff) < 20) {
175 long ltdiff = t1New - m_lastT1[lidx];
176 /// the time difference should not be too large for very near (event id) events
177 while ( ltdiff > ShiftThreshold ) {
178 t1New -= OneSecVar;
179 tDiff -= OneSecVar;
180 ltdiff -= OneSecVar;
181 }
182 while ( ltdiff < -ShiftThreshold ) {
183 t1New += OneSecVar;
184 tDiff += OneSecVar;
185 ltdiff += OneSecVar;
186 }
187 if ( lediff > 0 ) {
188 while ( ltdiff < 0 ) {
189 t1New += OneSecVar;
190 tDiff += OneSecVar;
191 ltdiff += OneSecVar;
192 }
193 }
194 else {
195 while ( ltdiff > 0 ) {
196 t1New -= OneSecVar;
197 tDiff -= OneSecVar;
198 ltdiff -= OneSecVar;
199 }
200 }
201 noNeighbor = false;
202 break;
203 }
204 else {
205 if (abs(lediff) < nearestDE) {
206 nearestIdx = i;
207 }
208 }
209 }
210 //if (_debug > 1) std::cout << __LINE__ << ": " << t1New << std::endl;
212 /// use nearest event if no neighboring event is found
213 if ( noNeighbor ) {
214 int lidx = (m_count+nearestIdx)%NLastBackup;
215 int lediff = evtNo-m_lastEvt[lidx];
216 long ltdiff = t1New - m_lastT1[lidx];
217 /// in case of negative or abnormal slope
218 if ( lediff > 0 ) {
219 while ( ltdiff*1.0/lediff < m_refSlope*0.2 ) {
220 t1New += OneSecVar;
221 tDiff += OneSecVar;
222 ltdiff += OneSecVar;
223 if ( ltdiff > OneSecVar && ltdiff*1.0/lediff > m_refSlope*5 ) {
224 t1New -= OneSecVar;
225 tDiff -= OneSecVar;
226 ltdiff -= OneSecVar;
227 break;
228 }
229 }
230 }
231 else {
232 while ( ltdiff*1.0/lediff > m_refSlope*5 ) {
233 t1New += OneSecVar;
234 tDiff += OneSecVar;
235 ltdiff += OneSecVar;
236 }
237 while ( ltdiff > 0 ) {
238 t1New -= OneSecVar;
239 tDiff -= OneSecVar;
240 ltdiff -= OneSecVar;
241 }
242 while ( ltdiff*1.0/lediff < m_refSlope*0.2 ) {
243 t1New -= OneSecVar;
244 tDiff -= OneSecVar;
245 ltdiff -= OneSecVar;
246 }
247 }
248 }
249 //if (_debug > 1) std::cout << __LINE__ << ": " << t1New << std::endl;
251 /// update slope with reliable events
252 float curSlope = (1.0 * tDiff) / eDiff;
253 if ( curSlope > 0 ) {
254 if ( m_count > 30) {
255 float guard = curSlope / m_refSlope;
256 if ( guard > 0.75 && guard < 1.5 ) {
257 m_refSlope = m_refSlope*0.9 + curSlope*0.1;
258 }
259 }
260 else {
261 m_refSlope = (m_refSlope*(m_count-1) + curSlope) / m_count;
262 }
263 }
265 /// update parameters for future event
266 /// Note: DO NOT use the finalT1 here. t1New and finalT1 are not consistent
267 if ( secShift == 1 ) {
268 //do not update these parameters when an event comes earlier more than 1 second
269 m_preEvt[curIdx] = evtNo;
270 m_preSec[curIdx] = tnSec;
271 m_preT1[curIdx] = t1New;
272 }
273 m_lastEvt[m_count%NLastBackup] = evtNo;
274 m_lastT1[m_count%NLastBackup] = t1New;
276 /// Refined fixing of ETS with the factor (1.0000115 by default)
277 if ( t1New != t1Old ) {
278 int t1Sec = t1New/OneSecVar;
279 int fIdx = t1Sec % m_nPre;
280 if ( t1Sec == m_preT1Sec[fIdx] ) {
281 m_pileup = m_prePileup[fIdx];
282 }
283 else {
284 for (int i = 1; i < m_nPre; ++i) {
285 int pT1Sec = t1Sec - i;
286 int pFIdx = (pT1Sec + m_nPre) % m_nPre;
287 if ( pT1Sec == m_preT1Sec[pFIdx] ) {
288 int fTotalPileup = t1Sec - t1Old/OneSecVar;
289 int pTotalPileup = m_preT1Sec[pFIdx] - m_preT1Old[pFIdx]/OneSecVar;
290 if ( fTotalPileup != pTotalPileup ) {
291 m_pileup = m_prePileup[pFIdx] + long(fTotalPileup - pTotalPileup)*OneSecVar;
292 }
293 else { //the GPS clock is recovered
294 m_pileup = 0;
295 }
296 break;
297 }
298 }
299 m_preT1Sec[fIdx] = t1Sec;
300 m_preT1Old[fIdx] = t1Old;
301 m_prePileup[fIdx] = m_pileup;
302 }
303 long finalT1 = t1New + (m_factor-1.0)*m_pileup;
304 if ( finalT1 > 0 ) {
305 header->setEtsT1(finalT1);
306 }
307 else {
308 header->setEtsT1(0);
309 }
310 }
312 //if (_debug > 1) std::cout << "event " << evtNo << " : "
313 // << header->etsT1() << " - " << header->rawEtsT1()
314 // << " = " << long(header->etsT1()) - long(header->rawEtsT1())
315 // << ", " << m_refSlope
316 // << std::endl;
317 }
318 else { //first event
319 int firstSec = t1Old / OneSecVar;
320 int firstIdx = firstSec % m_nPre;
321 m_t0Sec = header->time() - firstSec;
322 m_t0SecLocal = firstSec;
323 m_preEvt[firstIdx] = evtNo;
324 m_preSec[firstIdx] = firstSec;
325 m_preT1[firstIdx] = t1Old;
327 m_lastEvt[0] = evtNo;
328 m_lastT1[0] = t1Old;
330 m_pileup = 0;
331 m_preT1Sec[firstIdx] = firstSec;
332 m_preT1Old[firstIdx] = t1Old;
333 m_prePileup[firstIdx] = 0;
334 }
336 ++m_count;
338 //if (_debug) {
339 // _count = m_count;
340 // _event = header->eventNumber();
341 // _time = header->time();
342 // _pileup = m_pileup/OneSecVar;
343 // _t1 = header->etsT1();
344 // _rawt1 = header->rawEtsT1();
345 // _slope = m_refSlope;
346 // _tree->Fill();
347 //}
virtual ~EtsFixing()
Definition EtsFixing.cxx:71
EtsFixing(int preRefCount=30, double factor=1.0000115)
Definition EtsFixing.cxx:21
void fixT1(Event::EventHeader *header)
Definition EtsFixing.cxx:91
void setRawEtsT1(unsigned long value)
Definition EventHeader.h:99
int eventNumber() const
Retrieve event number.
Definition EventHeader.h:37
unsigned int time() const
Definition EventHeader.h:46
void setEtsT1(unsigned long value)
Update ETS.
Definition EventHeader.h:69
unsigned long etsT1()
Retrieve ETS.
Definition EventHeader.h:63