1#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
3#include "EventModel/EventModel.h"
4#include "EvtRecEvent/EvtRecObject.h"
5#include "EvtRecEvent/EvtRecEvent.h"
6#include "RootCnvSvc/RootAddress.h"
7#include "RootCnvSvc/EvtRec/EvtRecCnv.h"
8#include "RootCnvSvc/EvtRec/EvtRecEventCnv.h"
13 m_rootBranchname =
14 m_adresses.push_back(&m_evtRecEvent);
19 MsgStream log(
20 log << MSG::DEBUG <<
"EvtRecEventCnv::TObjectToDataObject" << endreq;
24 refpObject = evtRecEvent;
26 if ( ! m_evtRecEvent )
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
37 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
42 MsgStream log(
43 log << MSG::DEBUG <<
"EvtRecEventCnv::DataObjectToTObject" << endreq;
46 if ( ! evtRecEvent ) {
47 log << MSG::ERROR <<
"Could not downcast to EvtRecEvent" << endreq;
48 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
51 DataObject* evt = NULL;
53 if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
54 log << MSG::ERROR <<
"Could not get EvtRecObject in TDS" << endreq;
55 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
60 log << MSG::ERROR <<
"EvtRecEventCnv: Could not downcast to TDS EvtRecObject" << endreq;
75 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
static TEvtRecObject * getWriteObject()
EvtRecEventCnv(ISvcLocator *svc)
virtual StatusCode TObjectToDataObject(DataObject *&obj)
transformation from root
virtual StatusCode DataObjectToTObject(DataObject *obj, RootAddress *addr)
transformation to root
void setTotalTracks(const int tottks)
void setNumberOfPi0(const int npi0)
void setNumberOfVee(const int nvee)
void setTotalNeutral(const int nneu)
void setTotalCharged(const int nchrg)
Definition of a Root address, derived from IOpaqueAddress.
EvtRecCnv * getEvtRecCnv()
Base class for all Root Converters.
IDataProviderSvc * m_eds
pointer to eventdataservice
virtual StatusCode createRep(DataObject *pObject, IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddress)
Convert the transient object to the requested representation.
Int_t numberOfPi0() const
Int_t totalNeutral() const
void setNumberOfVee(const int nvee)
void setTotalCharged(const int nchrg)
Int_t totalCharged() const
void setNumberOfPi0(const int npi0)
Int_t totalTracks() const
void setTotalNeutral(const int nneu)
void setTotalTracks(const int tottks)
Int_t numberOfVee() const
const TEvtRecEvent * getEvtRecEvent() const
_EXTERN_ std::string Event