CGEM BOSS 6.6.5.g
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NcalibUtilModule implements methods for clients to get generic services
 NefpscPesa Steering Controller for Event Filter algorithms
 CCgemDigiCnvConcrete converter for the CgemDigi collection
 CCgemMcCnvConcrete converter for the CgemMc collection
 CcheckDedxSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CcheckEmcSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CcheckEstTofSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CcheckMdcSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CcheckTofSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CConvolveWithConstBasically, convolve with fft. convolves 1-d. if size of 2 inputs are fixed, it may yield optimal speed. currently not thread safe
 CDedx_HelixHelix parameter class
 CDedxCurAlgSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CDigiCnvConcrete converter for the Rec branch
 CdigiRootReaderAlgReads Digitization data from a persistent ROOT file and stores the the data in the TDS. Based on digiRootReaderAlg of Glast
 CdigiRootWriterAlgWrites Digi TDS data to a persistent ROOT file. @Based on the digiRootWriterAlg of GLAST
 CDstCnvConcrete converter for the Dst branch
 CDstHltInfCnvConcrete converter for the DstHltInf
 CEmcDigiCnvConcrete converter for the EmcDigi collection
 CEmcMcCnvConcrete converter for the EmcMc collection
 CEventCnvConcrete converter for the Event header stored in the TDS /Event Based on the EventCnv of GLAST
 CEventIncidentIncident that carries the EventInfo object
 CEventInfoThis class provides general information about an event. It extends EventInfo with a list of sub-evts (the original and the bkg ones)
 CEventModelEvent Model: Definition of logical paths and class identifiers
 CEvtHeaderCnvConcrete converter for the EvtHeader branch
 CEvtNavigatorCnvConcrete converter for the EvtNavigator branch
 CExampleIssueExample issue
 CExt_HelixHelix parameter class
 CHelixHelix parameter class
 CHepMcParticleLinkLink optimized in size for a GenParticle in a McEventCollection
 CHltCnvConcrete converter for the Rec branch
 CHltInfCnvConcrete converter for the HltInf
 CHltRawCnvConcrete converter for the HltRaw collection
 CIBesRndmGenSvcManage multiple CLHEP random engines as named streams
 CIInstrumentNameSimple interface to keep track of which instrument (LAT, EM, etc.) the process is concerned with. Modeled after IDetDataSvc handling of event time
 CIRawDataOutputSvcThe event conversion service needs an additional interface used by the converters to declare their object path
 CIRootIoSvcThe RootIoSvc gaudi service interface
 CKalFitCylinderCylinder is an Element whose shape is a cylinder
 CKalFitHitMdcDescription of a Hit in Mdc
 CKalFitTrackDescription of a track class (<-
 CKalFitWireDescription of a Wire class
 CMcCnvConcrete converter for the Mc branch
 CMcParticleThe Monte Carlo particle kinematics information
 CMcParticleCnvConcrete converter for the McParticle collection
 CMcPrimaryParticleImplements the methods described in McPrimaryParticle.h
 CMcRelTableDefsThis header file serves to define the various relational tables used with the Monte Carlo information
 CMdcDigiCnvConcrete converter for the MdcDigi collection
 CMdcMcCnvConcrete converter for the MdcMc collection
 CMessageSvcProviderClass that provides message services. Add to any classes that need message services
 CMucMcCnvConcrete converter for the MucMc collection
 CMyObjectFile for sample client
 CRangeTo specify 1-dim region or range by two floats
 CRawDataContextThis class provides the Context for RawDataSelector
 CRelationThis class is used to relate pair of objets
 CRelKeyThis class is used to relate events data
 CRelTableThis class is used to wrap a collection of Relations
 CRkFitCylinderCylinder is an Element whose shape is a cylinder
 CRootAddressDefinition of a Root address, derived from IOpaqueAddress
 CRootCnvSvcRoot Event Conversion Service which coordinates all of our converters
 CRootEventBaseCnvBase class for all Root Converters
 CRootEventContextThis class provides the Context for RootEventSelector
 CRootEvtIteratorImplements the IEvtSelector::Iterator interface
 CRootEvtSelectorRootEvtSelector performs the function of controlling the ApplicationMgr loop
 CRootIoSvcService that implements the IRunable interface, to control the event loop. Based on RootIoSvc of Glast
 CSvcDisableException class
 CSvcFactoryForward and external declarations
 CT3DLineA class to represent a track in tracking
 CT3DLineFitterA class to fit a TTrackBase object to a 3D line
 CTBuilderA class to build a track
 CTBuilder0A class to build a track
 CTBuilderCosmicA class to build a cosmic track
 CTBuilderCurlA class to build a Curl track
 CTCircleA class to represent a circle in tracking
 CTCircleFitterA class to fit a TTrackBase object to a circle
 CTConformalFinderA class to find tracks with the conformal method
 CTConformalFinder0A class to find tracks with the conformal method
 CTCosmicFitterA class to fit a TTrackBase object to a helix
 Ctest_readSimple algorithm to test reading vertex database
 CTFastFinderA class to find tracks with the conformal method
 CTFinderBaseA virtual class for a track finder in tracking
 CTHelixFitterA class to fit a TTrackBase object to a helix
 CTHistogramA class for a histogram used in tracking
 CTLine0A class to represent a track in tracking
 CTLine2DA class to represent a line in 2D
 CTLineFitterA class to fit a TTrackBase object to a line
 CTMDCLayerA class to represent a wire layer
 CTMDCTsfA class to represent a Track Finder Segment(TSF)
 CTMDCWireA class to represent a wire in MDC
 CTMDCWireHitMCA class to represent a MC wire hit in MDC
 CTMFitterA class to fit a TTrackBase object
 CTMLineA class to represent a track in tracking
 CTMLinkA class to relate TMDCWireHit and TTrack objects
 CTMSelectorA class to select a TTrackBase object
 CTofMcCnvConcrete converter for the TofMc collection
 CTPerfectFinderA class to find tracks using MC info
 CTPoint2DA class to represent a point in 2D
 CTrigCnvConcrete converter for the Rec branch
 CTrigDataCnvConcrete converter for the TrigData
 CTrkRecoA tracking module
 CTRobustLineFitterA class to fit a TTrackBase object to a line
 CTRungeA class to represent a track in tracking
 CTRungeFitterA class to fit a TTrackBase object to a 3D line
 CTSegmentA class to relate TMDCWireHit and TTrack objects
 CTSegment0A class to relate TMDCWireHit and TTrack objects
 CTTrackA class to represent a track in tracking
 CTTrackBaseA virtual class for a track class in tracking
 CTTrackHEPA class to represent a GEN_HEPEVT particle in tracking
 CTTrackManagerA manager of TTrack information to make outputs as MdcRec_trk
 CTTrackMCA class to have MC information of TTrack
 CTUpdaterA class to handle update timing of static objects of tracking
 CUseDedxSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CUseEmcSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CUseEsTimeSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CUseEstTofSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CUseMdcCalibDataSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CUseMucSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CUseTofSimple algorithm to test functioning of "the other" TDS
 CVFHelixVFHelix parameter class