Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- n -
- n : E_isoAng, E_P_E_isoAng, G4StatDouble, xData_elementList_s
- N02 : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- N11D2 : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- N11P1 : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- N13D1 : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- N13D3 : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- N13P0 : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- N13P1 : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- N13P2 : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- N1440 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N1520 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N1535 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N1650 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N1675 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N1680 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N1700 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N1710 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N1720 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N1900 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N1990 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N2090 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N2190 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N21S0 : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- N2220 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N2250 : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- N23 : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- N23P2 : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- N23S1 : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- N24 : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- N25 : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- N26 : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- N27 : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- N28 : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- N29 : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- N8D : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- N9D : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- n_perviousEventsToBeStored : G4RunManager
- n_select_msg : G4RunManager
- name : ATTRIBUTE, attribute_id, cheprep::ZipEntry, CLHEP::DualRand, CLHEP::HepJamesRandom, CLHEP::HepRandom, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine, CLHEP::MTwistEngine, CLHEP::NonRandomEngine, CLHEP::RandBinomial, CLHEP::RandBit, CLHEP::RandBreitWigner, CLHEP::RandChiSquare, CLHEP::RandExponential, CLHEP::RandFlat, CLHEP::RandGamma, CLHEP::RandGauss, CLHEP::RandGaussQ, CLHEP::RandGeneral, CLHEP::RandLandau, CLHEP::RandPoisson, CLHEP::RandPoissonQ, CLHEP::RandStudentT, CLHEP::RanecuEngine, CLHEP::Ranlux64Engine, CLHEP::RanluxEngine, CLHEP::RanshiEngine, CONTENT_SCAFFOLD, ELEMENT_TYPE, ENTITY, G4BertiniEvaporationChannel, G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- Name() : G4Curve
- name : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- Name() : G4FConicalSurface, G4FPlane
- name : G4GIDI_target, G4MCTSimParticle
- Name() : G4RectangularTrimmedSurface, G4Surface, G4VCrossSectionSource
- name : G4VEmAdjointModel
- Name() : G4VFilter< T >, G4VisTrajContext, G4VModelFactory< T >
- name : G4VReadOutGeometry
- Name() : G4VTrajectoryModel, G4XAnnihilationChannel, G4XAqmElastic, G4XAqmTotal, G4XMesonBaryonElastic, G4XNNElastic, G4XNNElasticLowE, G4XNNTotal, G4XNNTotalLowE, G4XnpElastic, G4XnpElasticLowE, G4XnpTotal, G4XnpTotalLowE, G4XPDGElastic, G4XPDGTotal, G4XpimNTotal, G4XpipNTotal, G4XResonance
- name : NAMED, prefix
- NAME : SoCounterAction
- name : tag, tpi_spectralID_s, tpi_spectralIDQualifier_s, tpia_particle_s, xData_attribute_s, xData_element_s, XML_cp, XML_Feature
- NameOf() : G4ConicalSurface, G4CylindricalSurface, G4FCylindricalSurface, G4SphericalSurface, G4ThreeMat
- namePhysics : G4VPhysicsConstructor
- NArg() : G4AnyMethod
- NaturalIsotopicDistributions() : G4INCL::NaturalIsotopicDistributions
- nb_of_surfaces : G4BREPSolid
- NbElements() : G4ITManager< T >
- nBins : G4CascadeInterpolator< NBINS >, tpia_angularEnergyBin_s, tpia_EqualProbableBinSpectra_s, tpia_EqualProbableBinSpectrum_s
- nbit : SbPainterPS
- nBlockedCollisions : G4INCL::EventInfo
- nBlockedDecays : G4INCL::EventInfo
- NBodyPhaseSpace() : G4HEInelastic
- nbrCtrlPts : G4NURBS::t_Dir
- nbrKnots : G4NURBS::t_Dir
- nCaptureIndices : G4GIDI_target
- nCascadeParticles : G4INCL::EventInfo
- nChannels : tpia_target_heated_s
- nCollisionAvatars : G4INCL::EventInfo
- nCollisions : G4INCL::EventInfo, G4INCL::Particle
- nColumn : G4JpegProperty, G4TheRayTracer, G4VUIshell
- ncompSVEC : G4FieldTrack
- ncorners : G4PolyconeSide
- nCutMax : G4QGSParticipants
- nDecayAvatars : G4INCL::EventInfo
- nDecays : G4INCL::EventInfo, G4INCL::Particle
- nDefaultAtts : ELEMENT_TYPE
- Nearest() : G4KDTree
- NearestInRange() : G4KDTree
- NearestLevel() : G4LevelManager, G4NuclearLevelManager
- nearlyTwoToMinus_54() : CLHEP::HepRandomEngine
- NearZero() : G4Ray
- NeedKernelVisit() : G4VViewer
- NeedsCascade() : G4NeutronHPPhotonDist
- Negative : G4TrajectoryDrawByCharge
- negativeInfinity() : CLHEP::Hep3Vector
- NeglectParticleAsPrimary() : G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction, G4AdjointSimManager
- NegPDGCode() : G4QHadron, G4QPDGCode
- nElasticIndices : G4GIDI_target
- nEntries : G4NucleiPropertiesTableAME03, G4NucleiPropertiesTheoreticalTable
- NetRotation() : G4AffineTransform, G4ITNavigator, G4Navigator
- NetTranslation() : G4AffineTransform, G4ITNavigator, G4Navigator
- neu : G4RPGInelastic
- Neutral : G4TrajectoryDrawByCharge
- NeutrinoE() : G4NeutrinoE
- NeutrinoEDefinition() : G4NeutrinoE
- NeutrinoMu() : G4NeutrinoMu
- NeutrinoMuDefinition() : G4NeutrinoMu
- NeutrinoTau() : G4NeutrinoTau
- NeutrinoTauDefinition() : G4NeutrinoTau
- Neutron : G4HEInelastic, G4Neutron
- NeutronDecay : G4INCL::ParticleTable
- NeutronDefinition() : G4Neutron
- NeutronExchange() : G4LightMedia
- neutronHoles : G4ExitonConfiguration
- neutronQuasiParticles : G4ExitonConfiguration
- NeutronUnbound : G4INCL::ParticleTable
- New() : G4FissionLibrary, G4NeutronHP2AInelasticFS, G4NeutronHP2N2AInelasticFS, G4NeutronHP2NAInelasticFS, G4NeutronHP2NDInelasticFS, G4NeutronHP2NInelasticFS, G4NeutronHP2NPInelasticFS, G4NeutronHP2PInelasticFS, G4NeutronHP3AInelasticFS, G4NeutronHP3NAInelasticFS, G4NeutronHP3NInelasticFS, G4NeutronHP3NPInelasticFS, G4NeutronHP4NInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPAInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPCaptureFS, G4NeutronHPD2AInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPDAInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPDInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPElasticFS, G4NeutronHPFCFissionFS, G4NeutronHPFFFissionFS, G4NeutronHPFinalState, G4NeutronHPFissionFS, G4NeutronHPFSFissionFS, G4NeutronHPHe3InelasticFS, G4NeutronHPInelasticBaseFS, G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS, G4NeutronHPLCFissionFS, G4NeutronHPN2AInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPN2PInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPN3AInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPNAInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPND2AInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPNDInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPNHe3InelasticFS, G4NeutronHPNInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPNPAInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPNPInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPNT2AInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPNTInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPNXInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPPAInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPPDInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPPInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPPTInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPSCFissionFS, G4NeutronHPT2AInelasticFS, G4NeutronHPTCFissionFS, G4NeutronHPTInelasticFS, TheoModelFactory< C, S, F >
- NewAttribute() : G4GDMLWrite
- newCascade() : G4IntraNucleiCascader
- newDoseDist() : G4GMocrenIO
- NewElement() : G4GDMLWrite
- newEngine() : CLHEP::EngineFactory, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine
- NewLevel() : G4NavigationHistory
- NewModel() : G4VHadronPhysics
- NewNavigatorState() : G4ITNavigator
- newROI() : G4GMocrenIO
- NewSecondaryVector() : G4Step
- NewStage() : G4AdjointStackingAction, G4StackChecker, G4UserStackingAction
- NewStep() : G4ChordFinder, G4SteppingVerbose, G4VSteppingVerbose
- NewTrackPopedUp() : G4CellScoreComposer
- NewType() : G4ITTypeManager
- next : block
- Next() : G4FTFParticipants, G4KDTreeResult
- next : G4PolyPhiFaceVertex, G4ReduciblePolygon::ABVertex
- Next() : G4ReduciblePolygonIterator
- next : G4Surface, G4VoxelInfo, HEPREP::HepRepReader, open_internal_entity, tpi_spectralID_s, tpi_spectralIDQualifier_s, tpia_mapEntry_s, tpia_multiplicity_s, tpia_particle_s, tpia_product_s, tpia_targetEntry_s, xData_element_s
- next_in : z_stream_s
- next_out : z_stream_s
- NextCommand() : G4UItcsh
- nextInstance() : HEPREP::HepRepIterator
- NextKey() : G4TypeKey
- nextRS : G4PolyconeSide
- nextTagBinding : binding
- nextZS : G4PolyconeSide
- nface : HepPolyhedron
- nFacetCount : G4PolyhedronArbitrary
- nFissionIndices : G4GIDI_target
- nForcedCompoundNucleus : G4INCL::GlobalInfo
- nForcedTransparents : G4INCL::GlobalInfo
- nGroups : tpia_target_heated_s
- nHeatedTargets : tpia_target_s
- nice_length : config_s
- nice_match : internal_state
- nint() : G4Abla
- nist : G4eBremParametrizedModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel, G4MuBremsstrahlungModel, G4MuPairProductionModel, G4PairProductionRelModel
- Nline() : G4tgrFileIn
- NM : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
- nmaxCont1 : G4hRDEnergyLoss, G4VeLowEnergyLoss
- nmaxCont2 : G4hRDEnergyLoss, G4VeLowEnergyLoss
- nmaxDirectFluct : G4hRDEnergyLoss
- nMeshIsSet : G4VScoringMesh
- NMesonTypes : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- NMultiplets : G4ExcitedMesonConstructor
- NNeutrons() : G4PiMinusStopAbsorption
- nNucleonAbsorptions : G4INCL::GlobalInfo
- NOcheck : G4NURBS
- Node() : JA::Node
- NODE : SoCounterAction
- nodes : G4SmartVoxelStat
- NoDisplacement : G4VMolecularDecayDisplacer
- NofC : G4NURBS
- NOfCombinations() : G4QContent
- NofD : G4NURBS
- noFill : G4VMarker
- noFunctionality : G4VGraphicsSystem
- NoInteraction() : G4CascadeInterface
- NoiseResolution() : GFlashSamplingShowerTuning
- noName : G4VDecayChannel
- noncopyable() : CLHEP::noncopyable
- none : G4VMarker
- NonEquilib : G4InuclParticle
- nonEuclidian : G4VGraphicsSystem
- NonRandomEngine() : CLHEP::NonRandomEngine
- NoProblem() : G4GeomTestLogger, G4GeomTestStreamLogger
- Norm() : G4FPlane, G4Surface
- norm2() : CLHEP::HepBoost, CLHEP::HepBoostX, CLHEP::HepBoostY, CLHEP::HepBoostZ, CLHEP::HepLorentzRotation, CLHEP::HepRotation, CLHEP::HepRotationX, CLHEP::HepRotationY, CLHEP::HepRotationZ
- norm3D : G4PolyPhiFaceEdge, G4PolyPhiFaceVertex
- normal() : CLHEP::RandGauss, G4ClippablePolygon
- Normal() : G4CylindricalSurface
- normal() : G4HEInelastic
- Normal() : G4PolyconeSide, G4PolyhedraSide
- normal : G4PolyhedraSide::sG4PolyhedraSideEdge, G4PolyhedraSide::sG4PolyhedraSideVec, G4PolyPhiFace
- Normal() : G4PolyPhiFace
- normal() : G4RPGReaction
- Normal() : G4SphericalSurface, G4Surface, G4TessellatedSolid, G4VCSGface
- normal : G4VTwistSurface::G4SurfCurNormal, HepGeom::Plane3D< T >, unknown_encoding
- Normal3D() : HepGeom::Normal3D< double >, HepGeom::Normal3D< float >
- normalisation : G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::Gaussian, G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::HardSphere, G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::ModifiedHarmonicOscillator
- Normalisation() : G4InitXscPAI
- NormalisePolarizationVector() : G4MagIntegratorStepper
- NormaliseTangentVector() : G4MagIntegratorStepper
- normalize() : cheprep::XMLWriter
- Normalize() : G4StatMFMicroManager, G4StatMFMicroPartition
- normalize() : HepGeom::Plane3D< T >
- normalized : ATTRIBUTE
- NormalizedClebschGordan() : G4Clebsch
- normalizeText() : cheprep::XMLWriter
- normals : G4VTransitionRadiation
- NormShift() : G4PAIxSection, G4PAIySection
- normVector() : G4INCL::Random
- Norz() : G4GHEKinematicsVector, G4HEVector
- notation : ENTITY
- notComputed : G4CurvePoint
- nOthersIndices : G4GIDI_target
- Notify() : G4DNAMolecularMaterial, G4ExceptionHandler, G4UImanager, G4VExceptionHandler, G4VStateDependent, HookEventProcState
- NotifyDeRegistration() : G4VNotifier
- NotifyHandlers() : G4VisManager, G4VVisManager
- NotifyRegistration() : G4VNotifier
- notStoredTracks() : G4GMocrenIO
- nParallelWorlds : G4RunManager
- nParticles : G4INCL::EventInfo
- NPCopies() : G3VolTableEntry
- nPionAbsorptions : G4INCL::GlobalInfo
- NPlusConvertionProbabilities() : G4NuclearLevel
- nProductionChannels : tpia_target_heated_s
- NProtons() : G4PiMinusStopAbsorption
- nReadHeatedTargets : tpia_target_s
- nReflectionAvatars : G4INCL::EventInfo
- nRemnants : G4INCL::EventInfo
- nRow : G4JpegProperty, G4TheRayTracer
- nShots : G4INCL::GlobalInfo
- NSpot : GVFlashShowerParameterisation
- NstarNames() : G4ResonanceNames
- NStates : G4ExcitedDeltaConstructor, G4ExcitedLambdaConstructor, G4ExcitedNucleonConstructor, G4ExcitedSigmaConstructor, G4ExcitedXiConstructor
- nSteps : G4VTransitionRadiation
- NTableMax : G4CameronGilbertPairingCorrections, G4CameronGilbertShellCorrections, G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections, G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections, G4CookPairingCorrections, G4CookShellCorrections
- NTableMin : G4CameronGilbertPairingCorrections, G4CameronGilbertShellCorrections, G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections, G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections, G4CookPairingCorrections, G4CookShellCorrections
- NTableSize : G4CameronGilbertPairingCorrections, G4CameronGilbertShellCorrections, G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections, G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections, G4CookPairingCorrections, G4CookShellCorrections
- nTransparents : G4INCL::GlobalInfo
- NuclearCrossSection() : G4IonCoulombCrossSection, G4ScreeningMottCrossSection
- NuclearDEDX() : G4EmCorrections
- NuclearDensity() : G4INCL::NuclearDensity
- nuclearDensityCache : G4INCL::NuclearDensityFactory
- NuclearDensityFactory() : G4INCL::NuclearDensityFactory
- NuclearExcitation() : G4HEInelastic
- NuclearInelasticity() : G4HEInelastic
- NuclearMassFn : G4INCL::ParticleTable
- NuclearPotentialConstant() : G4INCL::NuclearPotential::NuclearPotentialConstant
- NuclearPotentialEnergyIsospin() : G4INCL::NuclearPotential::NuclearPotentialEnergyIsospin
- NuclearPotentialEnergyIsospinSmooth() : G4INCL::NuclearPotential::NuclearPotentialEnergyIsospinSmooth
- NuclearPotentialIsospin() : G4INCL::NuclearPotential::NuclearPotentialIsospin
- NuclearReaction() : G4ReactionDynamics, G4RPGReaction
- NuclearStoppingPower() : G4hICRU49Nuclear, G4hZiegler1977Nuclear, G4hZiegler1985Nuclear, G4VhNuclearStoppingPower
- nucleon() : G4InuclElementaryParticle
- NUCLEON : G4ParticleTypeConverter
- nucleonAbsorption : G4INCL::EventInfo
- nucleonAbsorptionCrossSection : G4INCL::GlobalInfo
- Nucleus() : G4INCL::Nucleus
- nucleusA : G4BertiniEvaporationChannel
- nucleusZ : G4BertiniEvaporationChannel
- NucToHadrPDG() : G4QNucleus
- nucXSection : G4IonCoulombCrossSection
- NullExtent : G4VisExtent
- num_col() : G4ErrorMatrix, G4ErrorSymMatrix
- NUM_COORDINATES : CLHEP::Hep2Vector, CLHEP::Hep3Vector, CLHEP::HepLorentzVector, HepGeom::BasicVector3D< T >
- num_row() : G4ErrorMatrix, G4ErrorSymMatrix
- num_size() : G4ErrorMatrix, G4ErrorSymMatrix
- Num_z_planes : G4PolyconeHistorical, G4PolyhedraHistorical
- number : xData_attributionList_s
- NumberOfAuger() : G4AugerData
- NumberOfChannels() : G4PartialWidthTable
- NumberOfComponents() : G4CompositeDataSet, G4CompositeEMDataSet, G4CrossSectionDataSet, G4DataSet, G4DNACrossSectionDataSet, G4EMDataSet, G4IDataSet, G4MuElecCrossSectionDataSet, G4PixeShellDataSet, G4ShellEMDataSet, G4VCrossSectionHandler, G4VEMDataSet
- numberOfDataDirectories() : G4GIDI
- numberOfDaughters : G4VDecayChannel
- NumberOfDCIOmanager() : G4DCIOcatalog
- NumberOfDecayModes : G4ExcitedDeltaConstructor, G4ExcitedLambdaConstructor, G4ExcitedMesonConstructor, G4ExcitedNucleonConstructor, G4ExcitedSigmaConstructor, G4ExcitedXiConstructor
- NumberOfElements : G4VRangeToEnergyConverter
- numberOfElements : xData_rootElement_s
- numberOfEntries : tpia_map_s
- numberOfEs : tpia_angularEnergyBin_s, tpia_EqualProbableBinSpectra_s
- numberOfEvent : G4Run
- numberOfEventProcessed : G4RunManager
- numberOfEventToBeProcessed : G4Run, G4RunManager
- NumberOfGammas() : G4NuclearLevel
- NumberOfHCIOmanager() : G4HCIOcatalog
- numberOfInteractionLengthLeft : G4VSteppingVerbose
- NumberOfLevels() : G4DNAWaterExcitationStructure, G4DNAWaterIonisationStructure, G4LevelManager, G4MuElecSiStructure, G4NuclearLevelManager
- numberOfLs : tpia_LegendreBin_s
- NumberOfModels() : G4EmModelManager, G4VEnergyLossProcess
- numberOfNodes : G4PhysicsVector
- numberOfOutgoingNuclei() : G4CollisionOutput
- numberOfOutgoingParticles() : G4CollisionOutput
- NumberOfParticlesToBeGenerated : G4ParticleGun
- numberOfPointwise : tpia_multiplicity_s
- numberOfProducts : tpia_decayChannel_s
- NumberOfProfiles() : G4DopplerProfile
- NumberOfQuarkFlavor : G4HEVector, G4ParticleDefinition, G4PDGCodeChecker
- NumberOfReachableAugerShells() : G4AtomicTransitionManager
- NumberOfReachableShells() : G4AtomicTransitionManager
- NumberOfShells() : G4AtomicTransitionManager, G4ShellData
- NumberOfSolids : G4BREPSolid
- NumberOfStates : G4ExcitedBaryonConstructor
- NumberOfSubCutoffRegions() : G4VEnergyLossProcess
- numberOfTargets : tpia_depot_s
- NumberOfTransitions() : G4AugerData, G4FluoData
- NumberOfVacancies() : G4AugerData, G4FluoData
- numCat : G4AllocStats
- numchildren : XML_cp
- numCorner : G4Polycone, G4Polyhedra
- numEdges : G4PolyPhiFace
- NumError() : G4GeomTestErrorList
- numFace : G4VCSGfaceted
- numOfElement : G4HuffmanCodeTable
- numSide : G4Polyhedra, G4PolyhedraHistorical, G4PolyhedraSide
- numVertices : G4ReduciblePolygon
- NumVertices() : G4ReduciblePolygon
- nUnmergedSpectators : G4INCL::EventInfo
- nurbs : G4ViewParameters
- nvert : HepPolyhedron
- nVertexCount : G4PolyhedronArbitrary
- NXS : G4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >