Geant4 11.1.1
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CCompareMaterialMaterials can be described as a derivation of existing "parent" materials in order to alter few of their features, such as density. CompareMaterial compare materials taking into account their possible "affiliation"
 CG4CacheReference< G4double >
 CG4CacheReference< VALTYPE * >
 CG4CrossSectionFactory< T, 0 >
 CG4CrossSectionFactory< T, 1 >
 CG4CrossSectionFactory< T, 2 >
 CG4DNAMolecularMaterialG4DNAMolecularMaterial builds tables of molecular densities for chosen molecular materials. The class handles homogeneous, composite and derived materials. A material of interest is labeled as molecular if built using the number of atoms rather than the mass fractions
 CG4DNAPTBAugerModelThe G4DNAPTBAugerModel class Implement the PTB Auger model
 CG4DNAPTBElasticModelThe G4DNAPTBElasticModel class This class implements the elastic model for the DNA materials and precursors
 CG4DNAPTBExcitationModelThe G4DNAPTBExcitationModel class This class implements the PTB excitation model
 CG4DNAPTBIonisationModelThe G4DNAPTBIonisationModel class Implements the PTB ionisation model
 CG4DNAVacuumModelThe G4DNAVacuumModel class Implementation of the vacuum model allowing the user to use G4_Galactic as void in a Geant4-DNA simulation
 CG4FastHitMinimal hit created in the fast simulation
 CG4FastSimHitMakerHelper class for hit creation
 CG4FissionLevelDensityParameterINCLXXRevised level-density parameter for fission after INCL++
 CG4ForEach< G4Terminator >
 CG4INCLXXInterfaceINCL++ intra-nuclear cascade
 CG4INCLXXInterfaceStoreSingleton class for configuring the INCL++ Geant4 interface
 CG4IntegrationDriver< G4BulirschStoer >
 CG4Number< 0 >
 CG4ProfilerObject< G4ProfileType::Event >
 CG4ProfilerObject< G4ProfileType::Run >
 CG4ProfilerObject< G4ProfileType::Step >
 CG4ProfilerObject< G4ProfileType::Track >
 CG4ProfilerObject< G4ProfileType::User >
 CG4TaskSingletonEvaluatorThis structure must be specialized and use overloads to the constructor
 CG4ThreadLocalSingleton< void >
 CG4TrackState< G4ITMultiNavigator >
 CG4TrackState< G4ITPathFinder >
 CG4VDNAModelThe G4VDNAModel class
 CG4VFastSimSensitiveDetectorBase class for the sensitive detector used within the fast simulation
 CG4VITRestDiscreteProcessIdentical to G4VRestDiscreteProcess with dependency from G4VITProcess
 CG4VITRestProcessIdentical to G4VRestProcess with dependency from G4VITProcess
 CvtkTensorGlyphColorScale and orient glyph(s) according to eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetrical part of tensor